
Alexandria | Overcast Clouds


For reservation you can call us at: +2 03 5802037 - +2 010 2088 7272

Or contact us on whatsapp: +2 0100 295 5277 - +2 0100 295 6544

We have two fully-equipped meeting rooms

Our dedicated team of event planners and organizers will create an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

Our resorts offer several venues for your event. We are prepared to host your meeting, conference, or any other type of event at our open poolside, and garden spaces. We also have well equipped conference rooms that are tailored to your event’s requirements.

Whether you are planning a thoughtful reunion with old friends and colleagues, or if you are looking for a location for an international convention, we have the right venues, the latest equipment, and the trained team your event needs.

We look forward to hosting your event. Click here to contact us for more information and details.